Just as I was excited that the sun had re-appeared the wind dominated the rays making me pull on my tights back on again. I mean that is not to say that I don't like tights, I do, I actually really do. However, when you can just wear shorts, skirts and dresses, tights do sort of fall back a bit. However, during Autumn, tights are the thing for me. I wear them literally everyday so it is a must that I come up with some different ways of wearing them. In this post you'll see a few of my tights. The first one is an interesting one it reminds me of the USA flag. I mean its got star, its got lines and well its got the colours navy and red. So, I paired this pair of tights with a black crop top that has a transparent mesh through the belly-button region. I wore my black Dr.Martens and tied a denim blouse around my waist to make it a bit edgy. Aside from trying to achieve an edgy look its also to cover up, you know you want to cover up with tights! I do anyway.

The second pair has a tie-dye effect. I find these ones the hardest to wear! I usually just pick a colour from the dye and wear that colour at the top. So, with this one I paired it with a white tank. This tank has white flowers on it with a few cut-outs here and there. But the best part of this top is the back. The back has a triangular cut with three buttons. I am obsessed with it! However, when the wind does take over it is a must that I put on a jacket because it doesn't help :((

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