Anyone who shops from Rubi shoes or any of their subsidiaries like Typo and Cotton On, will know that with your purchase you can get a tote bag for $2. I love these bags, they are a life saver. I usually carry one in my bag where ever I go so I picked up another one those. Most importantly, the purchase means a helping hand to the cotton on foundation.
My final stop was at Target. I didn't get much here but its always an essential stop for me. I picked up a sinful shine nail polish in the shade royal flush.The last thing I brought is a lip liner from essence. These are only $2 and I think they're pretty good for the price. The liner was in the shade cute pink.
These were all my purchases from that day. Let me know if you guys shop from these stores as well. Also, write down any recommendations for future blogs. Much love <3
* This is not a sponsored haul*